Special Snacks!

I always try coming up with something special for the kiddos to look forward to after we have schooled all day. My kids actually started calling them mommy's special snacks.

My special snacks are always something nutritious and yummy as well as light to make sure they will have enough room for dinner but hold them over til then too.

The weather has finally started warming up around here so I have started playing around with smoothies and other frozen type drinks.

I have made Orange Julius in the past and that is always a big demand in the house. You can find that recipe here

It's a super orangy and delicious frozen drink! We used to buy it in the mall when I was a kid and I learned to make it when I was in high school.
Another recent cold drink we have made is strawberry lemonade. This  is the recipe I have used, everyone in my home Looooovvveess this one! I don't have any pics for this one but when I do I will post, insha Allah.

Finally a more recent special snack that my husband actually came up with and decided to join in on a "daddy" special snack!

Frozen Yogurt Pops! I know nothing new or special to most but my children love the freshness of these pops!

Simple recipe if you want to call it that!

Plain yogurt
fresh chopped strawberries
ice pop holders

We cut the straberries and poured our yogurt into a bowl so we can mix the berries in with a little sugar to give a bit sweetness since plain yogurt is exactly that...plain!

We usually buy a 5 lb container of plain yogurt from our local halal market at a decent price.

Here is our ice pop holders which we bought at our local walmart for $1!!!! I am all about bargains!!

We had to make two of these holders to make enough for our entire family!

End result! This yogurt pop is so delicious with all the small chunks of fresh strawberries throughout!

Have any special snacks to share?

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Arabic Alphabet Strip

Yep, still working on filling our Arabic wall up to help all my children learn arabic,insha Allah

I printed this one from IBB again! *smile*

It was presented as a strip type visual learning aid that you would ordinarily use to surround your classroom wall, but as usual I always have to change everything! lol

I presented it to my children in a "poster like" way. I just found it better for my young children to see it more eye level and put together than far up near the ceiling as it would traditionally be. The strip printed well and was easy to put together, masha Allah.

My littles are now expanding their arabic vocabulary, Alhamdulilah!


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Arabic Weather Wheel

In working with out Hijri Calendar we have also put together an Arabic weather wheel.

This is similar to our Fasting Day Cycle we did during Ramadan last year and plan on using again this Ramadan, insha Allah.

Here is how it turned out...

I also 'laminated" the weather wheel so it will last us a little longer than normal.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention how I laminated the wheel. I don't yet have a laminator although I have wanted one for soooo long it has not fit our budget just yet, insha Allah one day!

I used clear contact paper to cover the entire wheel as I did with our calendar and numbers too. It does the job, masha Allah.

You can also print this weather wheel over at Islamic Bulletin Boards .

I hope you enjoy making one of your own and putting together a morning circle time in arabic with the little ones too.

Here is what our Arabic wall has started looking like....

Here is what the other side of our classroom looks like for now...

I change this wall up frequently! Right now since my 2 yr old has included himself in our homechool I placed some posters up for him to "busy" himself

Have you shared your classroom environment in your blog?

I would love to see....

I would also like to know if any of you have any new ideas you would like to share or for us over at IBB to help you with. We still have so much in the works and on hold but always looking for more ideas to make your visit at IBB a pleasant one!

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Hijri Calendar Practice

As Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmahtuallahi Wa Barakatuh!

It has truly been busy over in our home! I haven't posted in forever to share all we have been doing. I so do apologize! Sometimes we just need to take a break!

We have been homeschooling and working very hard over here, just haven't posted anything!

I am back and have some things to start sharing again, masha Allah.

Sometime ago The older girls and I made a Hijri Calendar that was so fun,but through the weather of using it we no longer have it working for us anymore!

I know you all know that I wasn't going to go long without having one in full practice in our home again right?

Here we go....................

Here is our calendar in the works!


Okay, where did I get this calendar so you can print one out and customize it so you can use it in your classroom you ask?

Go on over to  Islamic Bulletin Boards and print yours today! I was going to print ours on Yellow cardstock but totally forgot to! By the time I hit the print button it was too late for me to change my mind. I ended up coloring it in on my own and it paid off since I was able to leave the inside white.

I printed the headers in color since I liked the look of it but it's also available in black and white if you choose.

I also 'laminated' the calendar this time so it will last us

I bought some velcro circles and placed them behind the numbers and on the calendar so they can be changed each month.

This was definately a time consuming project for me, but well worth it and I am happy with the end result!

I hope you enjoy it and make one of your own, insha Allah.

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