
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sadaqah Box Activity

We are all in our own mind state just 10 days into Ramadan, masha Allah. Our children are too believe it or not. They are all running ideas in their heads of how to do the next good deed or what else they can do for sadaqah. They think from the biggest thing like giving money down to the smallest thing like giving a smile, when in all actuality they carry the same weight.

My three year old is such a busy learner, masha Allah. He is a sponge that sucks up everything I dish at him. He holds it strong and practices daily, Alhamdulilah.

I wanted to teach the little guy more about sadaqah and the different ways we can share. I came up with a small & simple yet fun activity for him to either play with while we are in the car or simply at the dinner table while he waits for iftaar.

Sadaqah boxes is the name of the activity, there are 10 activity cards where the child places a certain amount of items in the numbered sadaqah box.

An image of the number 3 sadaqah box from the downloadable file

The cards to be counted for the activity.

Here are the pics of our activity:

Here is how your child will play this activity. He/she will read the number on the box and put that many items on the box to give as sadaqah.

The pages of the activity and how it stands.

Close up of one card

The mini cards which are used for counting items that go in sadaqah boxes.

This is the back of one of the activity cards,we used a cut piece of an index card to store each set of mini cards for each sadaqah box.

We used zip ties to bind the mini book together for easy portability. You can find zip ties at dollar stores or hardware section of your walmart.

Here is the file if you wish to share with your child: Sadaqah Box Activity



  1. Masha Allaah very interesting cute activity! Jazzakillaah Khayr for sharing!

  2. Jazak-Allah Umm Abdul Basir for your creative ideas. Absolutely adore your creativity. A completely appropriate blog addrees Masya-Allah!

  3. What a wonderful Idea. JazakAllah for sharing. We did this activity too and linked back to you.

  4. Jazakallah for sharing such a beautiful activity!

  5. i like the look of your site... very cutsie...
