
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadan Fasting Calendars

Ramadan is here,masha Allah!

I have put together some fasting Ramadan Calendars for our children to either paste and track their fasts or just color and paste the days of Ramadan that pass. Either way it is a fun activity for the kids to busy themselves with during the month insha Allah.

This is the colored arabic version of the calendar.

Here are the files for download. There are a few different versions so download the one you feel would be more of use to you,insha Allah

Arabic Colored Version: without numbers
Arabic Colored Version:numbers added
Arabic Black & White: black & white
English Colored Version: without numbers
Englsih Colored Version: numbers added
English Black & White Version: black & white



  1. Asslamulikum,

    Came across your blog yesterday and MashAllah I am so amazed by the great job you are doing. I printed this for my 5 year old daughter Mariam,who has fasted one day till now and intends to fast two more days inshAllah!!! This chart will be great for her to keep record and she loves cutting and pasting so she will thoroughly enjoy this activity inshAllah!!! jazakAllah once again & keep up the good work!!!wassalam

  2. JazaakAllahu Khayr, I have been looking for a Ramadan Calendar for the kids to keep track of the passing days, as well as the days that they fast. I intend to have them use star stickers (one fro each passing day, two for days they fast) insha'Allah, since this will work best for us, although having them practice cutting the printable squares is a great idea. Beautiful calendar, May Allah Reward you for making it so easy!! Ameen
