
Monday, August 2, 2010

A New Beginning!

A new blog, a new look and a new beginning, insha Allah.

We started our homeschooling journey 3 years ago,masha Allah. I have been both fortunate and grateful for being able to teach my children, Alhamdulilah.

I must admit I was a bit terrified at taking on such a large responsibilty but I was determined and I kept reminding myself that I had started this journey fisibiallah.

When we started I had 3 children being homeschooled, now we are up to 5 and tot schooling the youngest,masha Allah. Some have asked in the past how can I keep up or how do I do it. Two things I can say is by the will of Allah and by making plenty of sincere du'a! Allah is the best of planners and does what he wills.

Why Blogspot?

I have moved here because there are more options and I can do more customizing to my blog which best fits me. There is just more flexibilty and I really like that. I also like that there is no delay in my dashboard and i can post immediately. Time is surely something I don't have much of, so when I find something that's going to make it a bit easier, why not?

 I had contemplated for awhile now on moving, but was torn because I had already put so much into my last blog. I will not close it down and will leave it there for others to benefit from,insha Allah.

My old Blog:

I hope you will continue to follow us on our journey through homeschooling. There is so much more we have to share,insha Allah.


  1. Dear Sis, I want to display your blog button on my blog, if you have one please do let me know, if not I will just put the link Insha Allaah!

  2. Assalamu Alaikum, I'm so glad you moved to blogger! I was having trouble navigating your site before on wordpress. MashaAllah love your activities and the worksheets you create jazakAllahu Khairun May Allah reward you Ameen.
