
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fasting Day Sequence Cards

The first dayof Ramadan has passed for us, Alhamdulilah! We did so much today and the kids practiced as doing as many good deeds as they could, masha Allah.

I have a few kids in my house that are not yet at fasting age so I thought to make some cards for them so they could see what goes on during a fasting persons day.

The cards are a wonderful visual that they can travel with if we are out and about they can busy themselves with the cards,insha Allah.

Here is an image of the cards:

Here is an image of the mat:

Simple yet affective activity for our children during Ramadan insha Allah.

Download here:
Fasting Cards Color: color
Fasting Cards Black & White: black & white



  1. Assalaamu Alaikum my dear sis,

    Masha Allaah so wonderful know that you've got a new blog. I have always been visiting your wordpress blog and it has helped and inspired me a lot. May Allaah bless you for your efforts and your sharing.

  2. As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatulah

    Keep up the spectacular work! I depend on you for such goodies! (smile)

    May Allaah increase you in all that is good, ameen,

    your sister

  3. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wow nice looking blog sister mashaallah! I really like these cards and will print them for me sons

  4. Beautiful blog Mashallah! lots of brilliant ideas :) Jazakillah khairun!

  5. Assalamualaikum wrmt, jazakallah khairan wa kathiran sister for such interesting colorful activity :)
